The Crimson Moon: An Epic Adventure Unveiling Kingdom Hearts and the Sacred Blade of a Noble Prince Hardcore Punk Type Beat
"Stop wallowing in self-pity, young one. You were once aware, but it slipped from your grasp. Now, I am determined to ascertain the true purpose of my return to this realm. I shall not rest until I unravel the enigma that lies deep within me, regardless of the path it may lead me on. It is said to be a weapon, a sacred sword capable of bridging the realms, connecting our world to the mysterious underworld. In a land destined for a momentous battle, darkness shall loom and light shall fade, bringing forth an epic clash of forces."
This is a beat i made with Soundbites From Inuyasha, Kingdom Hearts, Where The Wild things are, Yu Yu Hashikio , Naruto & Pulp Fiction With Samples From Misfits, Billy Martin, Scorpions, DJ Pain 1, Bon Jovi, Ohio Players &Maiden with various other loops & Sound effects
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