The Dragon Slayer & the Chasm of Dreams: A Tale of a Brave Hero, a Mysterious Child, and an Enchanting Silver River. Pop Rock Type Beat

 "Beware, for it appears that children are fated to be entangled in a peculiar destiny. Take heed of this warning, as those piercing blue eyes will inevitably strip you of everything you hold dear. No matter the countless nightmares you endure, rescuing someone who has fallen into the abyss of dreams is an insurmountable task. Your prowess as a dragoon, a slayer of beings like yourself, grants you such power. Understand this: those who conquer the gods can no longer lead mundane lives. Young man, be cautious, for one cannot elude their own destiny. Embrace the darkness within you and unleash it to save your friend." This is a beat i made with Soundbites From Fairy Tail, Boruto, Kingdom Hearts, Spyro, Tombstone, With Samples From Marc Cohn, 3 Doors Down, The Sonics, Scorpions, DJ Pain 1 & Greenday with various other loops & Sound effects #sirdavidthekillerbee� ��� #borutonarutonextgenerations #borutokarmaseal #borutoandgaraga #lilwaynetypebeat2023 #lilwaynetypebeats #Thecartervtypebeat #alternativerocktypebeats #alternativerocktypebeat #momoshikiotsutsuki #newalbumcomingsoon #postrocktypebeat


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